New Book "The Tangled Web"


-Francie Mae

Hello and welcome to my site.

I’m Frances Morris, a seasoned Baby Boomer! Since I was a baby, my mother called me Francie Mae. I use this name for my blog in honor of her. The name makes me smile.

Other than being a Baby Boomer, there’s nothing special about me. I’m an ordinary person who chooses to live life to the fullest. I am a mother, grandmother, sibling and widow. The three F’s, faith, family and friends are important to me. I love to laugh out loud, dance lively, pray daily, and enjoy life’s adventures. I am a retired military officer, registered nurse and health care leader for a Fortune 500 company. My first job was working long hours in the cotton-fields for low wages. During my professional career, I chose to work for companies that invested in people. My last job was working for a leading healthcare company, devoted to empowering people to live healthier lives.

I grew up in absolute poverty in the South during the civil rights movement. My family and I lived in various shacks without electricity or indoor plumbing. 

Hunger pangs were constant companions. I took a journey through a land showing the dark-side while searching for my piece of the American dream. I survived that journey. I was economically poor but didn’t have a poverty mentality. I learned how to survive and thrive in spite of my humble beginnings. There was a purpose in my poverty. I had something to look forward to and I found my joy.

I met many people in my personal life and professional career who are struggling with a poverty mentality. I have a passion to advocate for justice and empower others to break these vicious cycles. These passions led to me earning a Master’s degree in Health Law. My hope is my story will help others break the cycle of poverty mentality and bloom in the cycle of abundance mentality. I believe we all have something to look forward to!

Come on in and let’s get started!

-Francie Mae

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