Age of Awareness

MaDear and Dad were proud of our accomplishments. In spite of hardships, all five children graduated from high school. They were proud of us but we were even prouder of them. We were inspired by their exemplary life.  They sacrificed over the years to provide for us. We will never know just how much. We gave them the honor and respect they deserved.  By the time I graduated, they had been married for almost thirty years. They were committed to each other and weathered the storms together.  They provided a solid foundation for all their children in spite of extenuating circumstances.  

Copy of Dad’s certificate in 1965

Dad retired from the Naval Base a few months prior to my graduation. He was sixty five years old and worked for the Navy Exchange for almost six years. He and three other employees were featured in the Navy Exchange newspaper. When I looked at his tired looking picture staring back at me from the newspaper, I thought about the heartaches and hardships this veteran encountered to get a job to provide for his family. His eyes had a haunting look that only he knew the story behind.  I didn’t realize it at the time but to prepare for his job as a custodian, he attended the vocational school across the street from where we lived. He received a certificate of appreciation by the Lieutenant Commander and a going away celebration from his fellow employees.  The Naval Base was the only employer that offered Dad gainful employment.  I was almost eighteen years old and this was the first steady job he had. As a result, he was finally eligible to receive Medicare.  I was so proud of Dad. Many doors were shut in his face, but he never gave up seeking gainful employment. MaDear was by his side all the way. Times were almost unbearable but they clung to each other for strength and support. They never lost faith in God.

Read more in my memoir. It’s available for purchase in the book section of this blog.

As Rom taught me years ago, I had to keep up or be left on the other side. The options available to you in the future are the result of actions you take today.


“Kent State shooting.” Wikipedia. Accessed January 14, 2009.

“Jackson State killings.” Wikipedia. Accessed January 14, 2009.

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