Belief in a Higher Power

A belief in a higher power can reframe our mindset and help us prevail over poverty. There are so many people who are not able to effectively deal with the hurdles in life. A common reason for falling into a pattern of abuse is an inability to cope with theturmoil’s. In desperation people may look for any avenue of escape. Soon they become dependent on mild altering substances. These substances clog up the space they have for happiness and they may lose hope.

Regardless of a person’s belief system, most of us would agree that we are not made to go through life alone.  As we journey through life, we will have many difficulties. There are opportunities in every difficulty. Difficult roads can help build character and appreciation of a beautiful life. When we have nothing else, we should have faith, hope and a strategy. This is what brought our poor family of seven out of poverty. The road out was long and difficult but not impossible.

When I was a certified psychiatric nurse, I encountered manypeople struggling with alcohol and other drug abuse. They used substances to escape from or to deal with obstacles and pain in their lives. I learned that belief in a higher power helps people realize that external factors can play a role in their addictions and recovery. People in recovery recite the Serenity Prayer. I wanted to know the secret behind this powerful prayer that is recited daily and promotes positive thinking. Sometimes, we can’t find the power to think positive on our own. The prayer provides courage and help people come into terms with their inner struggles and find peace.

We all struggle in life and need peace.  The world is complex and we crave explanations. There is a human desire for the universe to make sense. Everyone has a hunger for life that must be fulfilled. We were not meant to journey through life alone and need help to help us navigate its rough courses. For me, God’s existence provided the perfect framework for understanding the world. We were created to have a relationship with Him and with each other. I chose to follow the teachings of Jesus. A belief in a higher power gives many people psychological comfort and inner peace. As a result, we feel calm and tranquil and have the ability to deal with life’s curve balls and make healthy choices.

I read an article on the American Addiction Center website and learned that the powerful Serenity Prayer reminds people in recovery of the importance of acceptance. There are many things we have no power over. By reciting the prayer, people are taught to find happiness by accepting what they can’t change. The prayer provides comfort during hard times and people find inner peace and strength.  They learn to develop faith in their recovery. This does not mean they are expected to follow any religious teachings. What it does mean is having confidence in doing what’s right. When people do what’s right, their life will get better. With faith in their recovery they are encouraged to build a new life. Fear prevents many people from progressing and they seek comfort in what’s familiar, even if they are suffering. Change means being brave and stepping into the unknown. Participants discuss their addictions freely in supporting and nonjudgmental spaces. Their addictions made them lose the ability to make wise decisions. In recovery, they learn to make better choices. The Serenity Prayer empowers the individual and redirects them from spending energy on things they can’t control and focus on things they can. Participants are reminded they are not taking the journey to recovering alone. They can rely on a higher source if they have faith. When they hand over things to a higher power, their load lightens. They receive the support they need to continue on their journey. They learn to have faith, hope and a strategy.

I read this powerful prayer that is filled with positive thinking. Christians and Non-Christians can relate to the message.  Thinking positive allows us to have space to find success in life. It is important for people to develop some humility to find success in recovery. By accepting their own weakness, they become stronger.  Dependence on others, things and substances impedes the progress of people. The way to prosperity is to learn how to change our mindsets.

My family and I lived in absolute poverty in the segregated South and lived under Jim Crow laws. Our family and many other families overcame many obstacles. We never lost hope. My parents did not graduate from high school. This did not prevent them from seeking knowledge. Knowledge is free and accessible to everyone. They believed that being poor was no excuse for not learning and improving one’s condition.  They were self- taught and shared this knowledge with my siblings and me. They encouraged us to continue to seek knowledge. There is a saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” When I was ready, my teacher appeared in many ways. I had to have an open mind to receive the knowledge.

While studying to become a certified psychiatric nurse, I leaned that there is a physical, moral and spiritual state of man. The desire for progress is an essential characteristic of humans. Every good or bad action bears delicious fruit or unnecessary torture.The first state is physical. At the first state, man’s nature is prone to evil and transgression at a certain stage of development. As long as he is devoid of high moral qualities this nature is predominant in him. The second state is moral and is guided by reason and knowledge.  Humans are subjected to impulses of their nature. We have to distinguish between good and bad actions. If we are guided by reason and knowledge, we have virtue or high moral standards. The third stage is spiritual. At this stage, the soul is freed from all weakness and frailty and braced with spiritual strength. 

Poverty is a chronic debilitating condition that affects the mind, body and soul or spirit. Living in poverty is tough and painful. It is difficult to see progress and people are desperate. People are trying to survive in the least of environments on a daily basis.  When the standard of living is depressed daily, some people living in poverty see the benefits of committing crimes or engaging in other self -destructive behaviors.  When they commit crimes, the desire to meet their basic needs may be worth the riskof getting caught. When they abuse alcohol and other drugs, they try to escape from life’s harsh realities.  Unfortunately; children and others are affected by their actions. I do not believe anyone want to live in poverty or abuse drugs. Unless there are parents or other trusted mentors to guide young children, they may not walk in the light of true wisdomand knowledge.

Children living in poverty are disproportionately exposed to adverse social and physical conditions. They are surrounded by despair, limited resources and supportive networks, breathe contaminated air and drink impure water. Instead of enjoying the world around them, they are struggling to survive. People living in poverty are more likely to be less healthy and have shorter lives. 

My childhood dreams were simple. I wanted to get out of poverty and remain out of poverty. I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian family with parents who guided my siblings and me. They put our needs above their own.  We lived in a shack without electricity or indoor plumbing but that shack was an active learning center. We engaged in many meaningful discussions around our pot belly stove. When Dr. King’s melodic voice came over our transistor radio, we had to be quiet and listen to his powerful messages. There were many civil rights activists fighting for justice and equality. Some are known and many more are unknown. Many were killed, lynched, beaten or assaulted yet they continued to fight for justice and equality. We could not let their fight be in vain. We believed that we would overcome. Today, I am standing on their strong shoulders.

My parents taught me that I was responsible for how I responded to life.  They taught me to believe in a higher power, how to have faith and how to put in the work. Having a roadmap out of poverty included changing my outlook. It took a long time but I had a vision, strategy and tactic. The negative opinions of other people did not define me. I was empowered to pull myself from the poverty of racism, thought, finances and unhealthy relationships. I learned to prevail over poverty.

If you are struggling or know someone struggling with alcohol or other drugs, help is available. At the end of my blog post Prevail over Unhealthy Behaviors, I listed some resources that may be helpful. I’ve listed an additional resource below. These resources are for educational purposes only and not endorsed by the author.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. “~ Desmond Tutu

Reference and Resource

American Addiction Centers. Alcohol Rehab. Com. Serenity Prayer.  Internet. Accessed August 20, 2020.

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